Faith or Fear

Have you ever had one of those “aha moments?” I did.

A few weeks ago I was in a class full of women listening to a teaching on comparison when I began to hear this rumbling sound. It was like an earthquake sound…like the earth was shaking and trembling. I knew something was happening; but I wasn’t sure what or why I was hearing this sound. I looked out the window to make sure the trees were still in place; and they were. Soon, another lady began to speak; and again, I heard the rumbling sound, but this time I saw a picture with it. I wish I could paint it for you; it was breathtaking; so I’ll do my best to describe.

I saw thousands of women lined up on either side of a fault lines; a huge divide with deep crevices. It was like an earthquake tremor and split the ground. There was a gap in the earth and all of the women were in lines on either side just looking down into the hole.

I looked down into the fault line; and I was shocked by what I saw. It was as long, deep and wide as far as the eye could see. There were sparkling jewels, rubies, diamonds, sapphire, colored gems shining from deep in the crevice. The next instant, I was taken up to an aerial view…what I saw was the earth in the shape of a heart and the Lord said to me – these sparkling jewels and gems are the dreams, ideas, hopes and talents these women have buried. It has been so long for some that they don’t recognize what once belonged to them. The enemy has come and buried them; but I have come to raise them up.

Luke 1 tells the story of two people who were both righteous in the sight of the Lord; however, their response to the same promise was very different. In Luke chapter 1, the Lord sends the very same angel, Gabriel to two different people. They were miles apart , yet the angel was sent to deliver a message of a miraculous promise to come.

The first couple, Zachariah was a priest; so he and his wife Elizabeth were both righteous in the sight of the Lord. Then you have Mary, a young, single girl living miles a way that was also righteous in the sight of the Lord. Gabriel appeared to both Zachariah and to Mary and declared that a child would be born in 9 months time. But look at their responses.

Zachariah “was troubled and fear took possession of him. So, after the angel delivered the promise of the miracle; Zachariah was full of doubt and questions “but how, my wife is too old’. So the angel said to Zachariah – Because of your unbelief, you will be mute until the promise arises.

Mary on the other hand when confronted by the Angel was shocked as well and questioned the How is this possible – because she was a virgin. But when Gabriel spoke, she chose to believe. “For with God, nothing is impossible.” Mary was given a promise that was possibly going to make her look like a harlot, she would probably be shunned by friends and society, very likely experience loneliness, rejection and shame…. but she didn’t care. At that moment, she chose to believe.

Maybe you’ve thought about dreams and visions or even promises the Lord has given to you that you just say “that’s impossible Lord?’ We immediately go to a spirit of doubt and unbelief instead of being filled with a spirit of Faith? I want us to choose to respond to Gods promises, His Word and even the dreams that seem too big. Be like Mary and chose to accept and believe. It was because of her response, that a spirit of faith rose up within her; and the Savior of the World was born.

Can I share some good news with you? Even if you have doubted, know there is Grace. You cannot undo what God has established. Back to Zachariah , do you know because of his unbelief, he had to go through those same 9 months being mute; yet the promise still came when Elizabeth delivered John the Baptist.


Would you take a moment and ask yourself and the Holy Spirit if there are dreams, desires and assignments that you have shied away from because it just seemed too impossible? Maybe you thought you imagined it or maybe you just think you don’t deserve it?

The Beautiful Truth

God says that He watches over His Word to perform it; and He perfects the Work of His hands. Friend, you are the work of His hand; and He wants you to come into agreement with Heaven over your life! “Before I knew you, I formed you in the matrix of your mother’s womb” (Ps 139:13) Any dreams, desires, callings or assignments you are reminded of; bring before the Lord; thank him; ask him to show you how to steward them, for his right timing and for bringing it all back to your remembrance…because He’s never forgotten you.

Charla Janecka
You are His Masterpiece

Before you were….I loved you Your name…

Tattooed on the palm of my hand Child,

It is no accident that you are right where you stand

Each tear, each laugh, each sorrowful sigh I’ve always been there right by your side

I know your strengths & even your flaws

And I love you with them... one and all Haven't I answered each time you’ve called

This season; You’re growing in beauty, in wisdom, and in grace

You're discovering your reflection is so much more than your face

So, look in the mirror child, and let me show you what I see

You are a work of art, a valued treasure,

You are the one who brings me great pleasure.

You are beauty, strength … and oh, I love that you love to pray

You are a sweet embrace, a powerful force, a mystical display

You are Woman, Friend, Lover, Sister, Mother, Daughter..

Mine, yes. You are Mine .I know you.

You are My beloved, filled with hope,

You are filled with destiny.

You are my masterpiece


Do you see?

Charla Janecka
He's never forgotten you

“Before I knew you, I formed you in the matrix of your mother’s womb” (Ps 139:13)

Any dreams, desires, callings or assignments you are reminded of; bring before the Lord; thank him; ask him to show you how to steward them, for his right timing and for bringing it all back to your remembrance…

He’s never forgotten you.

Charla Janecka